ITNorthWest Voice

This is a blog for all the technology entrepreneurs based in the North West of Ireland - musings about our business, companies, interests, trends and any other random thing that hits us.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Work vs. Life Balance in the Extreme (by Jeremy Zawodny)

Jeremy gives some examples of work vs life balance. Quote (taken from the Paul Graham article "Economically, you can think of a startup as a way to compress your whole working life into a few years. Instead of working at a low intensity for forty years, you work as hard as you possibly can for four. This pays especially well in technology, where you earn a premium for working fast." I dont agree with European comment - especially in an Irish context. "This is the point at which all my European readers chime in about how they get 2-3 times the holiday/vacation time that we do and generally live at more leisurely pace..." We go get our fair share of public holidays, etc, but from my own experiences, startups/tech companies are the same all the world over


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