ITNorthWest Voice

This is a blog for all the technology entrepreneurs based in the North West of Ireland - musings about our business, companies, interests, trends and any other random thing that hits us.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Early Stage Marketing and Sales - The "Why" vs. the "What"

This is a really insightful piece on the challenges facing early stage companies in ramping up sales. The author, Brad Feld is a Managing Director at Mobius Venture Capital I like his final piece "The first full yar of product ship for a software company is a very defining year. I've seen way too many of my VC cohorts believe that the operating plan and forecast is gospel and spend all their time in year one of product ship (and usually year two of the business) focusing on the quantitative financial metrics rather than understanding how things actually work in the business. Financial planning is imprecise early in a business - a smart executive team understands this and sets the right expectations and parameters around it."


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